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New External Seller Profiles, Thoughts?


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I saw mine this morning. To be honest I’m not a huge fan. I don’t like that all the gigs now appear below the “fold” line. ie people have to scroll down the page to see them. If the big banner at the top was customizable, that would be good, but it seems not, just the text bit seems to be. You have a different thing there than I do though, so perhaps it’s sorted by categories of seller as to what they get - or it can in fact be customized? The new badges are quite small. Was good to have a big “2” next to my name - I honestly can barely see it now. If the badge was at least clickable through to the levels page that would be nice. I would love if the reviews could be seen straight away, even if they were to the left or right of people’s gigs. I do like that the reviews are there now, they could be presented a little nicer though. I see that there are reviews showing from BOTH buyers and sellers. I can’t see the map, which I love to look at. And the other thing at the top it selects a “best seller” package at a total of $25 which can only lead to confusion. Essentially I feel that the space could be utilized so, so much better.

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Yes, I saw it a few days ago! Felt the same like you, I think it’s awesome. However, there was a weird technical “leak” on my account I think. Somehow the gig that I have been suspended is showing up and I knew that from a seller who message me if I would do the project, I was surprised. But now my account back to normal.

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