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Gift a Gig Suggestion

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Hi, I have a customer that wants to gift my gig to someone else. So she wants to pay for it but give it to someone who is not already a fiverr user. I can’t find this as an option so I’m suggesting it! Wondering what other sellers have done in the past? Right now I’m just suggesting she help them open an account but use paypal to pay so it doesn’t compromise her credit info. But there should be an easier way to do this that protects both peoples privacy such as being able to pay for a gig and send the link to a email address where that user is prompted to create an account.

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There isn’t such a method that exists but it would be interesting and something that in my opinion would help Fiverr drive additional sales, so I am surprised it doesn’t already exist. Could always just transfer some funds to her in the mean-time through PP so she can get the particular offering? About your best route atm

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