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Mutual Cancellations & Ratings


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Hey everyone!

Sorry if I’m asking an obvious question, but it’s something I’ve been worrying about lately.

I’ve had a few mutual cancellations recently where the buyer was at fault (either for never sending information, failing to order the proper gig extras, or demanding a rush turnaround time without ordering the rush gig, etc.).

I don’t want these types of cancellations to negatively affect my rankings, and I’m concerned that my cancellation rate (currently 10%) is getting higher the more I advertise.

Let me know your thoughts, and thanks in advance for the help!


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I had the same problem with my buyers… What I did, was to ask buyers on my gig description to send me a message before purchasing in order to avoid misunderstandings. By doing that, I decreased the cancellation rate of my gigs and I had better communication with my buyers.

Hope that helps.


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It is a problem for both sides. Being a buyer and ‘Requesting a Gig’ I have had numerous offers. After sending even more specific details and waiting on confirmation I then award the gig only to have a small few claim I was at fault and they then cancel.

Guess who is stuck with a 25¢ - 50¢ processing fee that fiverr charges…yep, the buyer.

In my case my ‘Request a gig’ stated you had to buy a 99¢ song and rate it for 1 gig. 4 out of about 40 fiverrs I hired could not understand this and want an added gig. They agreed to the job knowing full well the expectation.

It goes both ways and can often be avoided if both the buyer is very clear and detailed and the providers fully read and understand the job.

We can all point fingers but there will always be people on both sides who are at fault.

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Reply to @crizmex1: I totally agree, and I have learned to adjust my descriptions and services based on these experiences.

What I am referring to are buyers who fail to read the gig description and do not contact before ordering. Sometimes even the ones who contact prior to ordering will ignore explicit instructions on what will be required to complete their gig.

This results in these unwanted cancellations which I am worried will affect my ranking even though I am often not at fault.

Thanks for the feedback!

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