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Overall Rating turns down to 98%. What happens next?


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I have 2 Questions. Experts please advise.

  1. As my rating drops down to 98% rating, is this percentage enough to devastate my search engine results and sales?

  2. Is it possible to back again to Magical 100% overall positive rating? How many rating 5 needed to back again to be 100%?
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Guest ryankumaras28

Getting on total 100% rating wont be possible or you will need lots of exchanges

but a rating of 99% is possible tough and it is also good

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I maintained my 100% for quite a while, eventually they decided to implement a star system and a lot of buyers tend not to rate a perfect “5 stars” even if they feel you did nothing wrong. It’s just kind of a natural thing. 4 out of 5 stars enough apparently can bring your rating down to 99%. It’s quite silly. I haven’t noticed any major difference in sales since I dropped down from my 100% nor has any of my traffic from Fiverr or ranking spots dropped in specific keyword sets.

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