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Celebrating 1000 sales today!


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I just wanted to wish everybody a Merry Christmas and also share the fact that I’m celebrating my ONE THOUSAND sale here on fiverr today. Visit my gigs page if you want to order both smaller as well as bigger graphic design projects such as Logos, Banners, Banner ad sets and socal media covers.


Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all of you!


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I need some advice. I bought gigs and because of communication gap I overpaid by $10

Fiverr is demanding that I utilize the fund b4 Jan !st 2015. Each time I want to purchase a gig the system will ask me for my credit card. I do not want to pay any more money until I utilize the $10.00 What can I do? Fiverr has no customer service number What can I do Jan is fast approaching I can be reached anofik@yahoo.com

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You cannot leave any of your personal contact info here, so it will keep coming up as fragglesrock and be unreadable… LOL

Unfortunately, Fiverr does not issue refunds, and that $10 will stay in your Fiverr balance until I guess Jan 1st when they will seize it if you have not used it. I guess the only way you could use it is if you bought a $5 gig and then left the other $4.50 for them.

The problem you and probably others are running into now is that Fiverr has recently implemented a “service fee” which is making it difficult for those who have those nice tidy 5 dollar increments in their accounts to purchase a Gig without adding a card or more money to their balance.


Oh, I just realized you hijacked this thread with your own issue! This thread is to congratulate the OP on her 1000 orders! I would tell you to make a different thread, but, it would be useless, as you will get the same advice I just gave.

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