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Too many clients


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Hi everyone,

I’ve joined Fiverr three weeks ago and after one week the clients started pouring in like crazy and I’m starting to feel overwhelmed. Any tips from advanced sellers on time management / client management? For now, I simply delay their orders. Do any of you use apps for this? I’m thinking of purchasing a Moleskine just for scheduling the future gigs.



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Hi there, welcome to Fiverr! 🙂

It’s tricky, in some cases sellers will set it to the maximum delivery time, some people will put their gigs on hold after getting an X number of gigs ( I often use this method), then reactivate them again after the orders are cleared.

Some gigs take longer/shorter than others, so when I get several gigs at the same time, I look through them and decide which ones I’ll do earlier/later, then use the good-old fashion post-its and place them on my PC so I won’t get confused. I won’t say it’s the best way, but it works for me! 🙂

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Guest aizadsooban

you are getting too many clients ??? wow~~ seriously … i am getting nothing it’s been over a month… 🙂

what you have been doing … !!! and how are doing it … ?

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There is no such thing as too many clients lol. If you don’t do Fiverr full time, set aside a set amount of time each day to work on gigs. For example, you could maybe devote 2 hours per day to Fiverr and do them in the order that they are due. This way you always deliver early.

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