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My new writing gig


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It seems that writing is the hot thing at the moment. So naturally I want my share as well and created a writing gig of my own. I’m sure that every writer here hates my gig, but please tell me what you think of it?

It may be too broad and should concentrate on poetry etc. only? We’ll see, maybe it’s a gold mine 🙂


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Hi pictureduke 🙂

Here I am… the “anyone” someone!

I am a writer & blogger and despite what you think… I love your gig! 🙂

Your gig-image is interesting, your gig-description is awesome.

Note: I have visited your gig and noticed something strange. The upper part where one can collect in ‘favorite’ gigs is not visible. I noticed that because I wanted to collect it for furure use. This isn’t the case with your other gigs. Everything is visible there.

Well, wish you lots of sales. By the sample of your work (the gig-description itself) and by the imagination that emerges through your other gigs, wow, it seems that you deserve to be noticed on Fiverr! 🙂


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Oh my, @happyspace.

Your kind words really made my day!

Perhaps my gig needs to go through Fiverr approval before you can save the gig. I’m no expert, just speculating.

Your ancient Greek voice over gig sounds interesting. It spawned an idea for an animation where I (as an animation character) would get epileptic seizure type of seizure and start talking ancient Greece 🙂

Thank you for taking the time to make me smile.


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Well, thank YOU for offering such great gigs on Fiverr 🙂

And for the compliments of course. I would be honored to work for your projects. By the way, I just managed to place the cursor under the ‘veil’ of the page and clicked to save your gig in my ‘favorites’. Finally! 🙂

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Welcome to the writing club! 🙂

From what I’ve seen, creative writing is a big market. I’ve known many writers quit Fiverr due to exhaustion after receiving so many orders.

Your gig description is most certainly creative. Better than most I’ve seen in my field. I see no reason why you can’t receive similar success (albeit hopefully without the burnout!)

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Thank you @sara1984,

On giving me support once again! I really appreciate it.

I really don’t want to burn out nor quit Fiverr so I have to be careful not to exhaust myself. If things get too rough I’ll increase the price. That should do it 🙂 Worst would be getting tons of orders and be stuck working through all christmas. But in the end you get what you ask for, I guess.

I haven’t had a customer in a week so I’m not too busy.

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