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The seller marked the order as delivered when he did not send me nothing

Guest ignaciomadi

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Guest ignaciomadi

The seller amed99 and the order #FO41B292F7D1.

He said ’ I mark the gif as delivered because in a couple of hours is the deadline ’ I told him about this has not sense. How can a seller mark the gif as delivered when he did not give me nothing? I told to the seller that if he finished over the deadline was not a problem, I will vote positive him and he will receive the money.

Even I ordered him other gif more to see I am a good seller !

Then I asked …I request for a modification, hoping him give to me the work. But nothing. I decided to cancel the gif ( Because if the problem was the time…I could order again other gif to this seller, but he declined the mutual cancel).

Now I have not my gif, and I have not my money.

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