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What to do when a buyer goes AWOL after ordering a gig?


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To start on my WordPress gig, I need certain details and have clearly mentioned that in the gig description. Still there are some Buyers who just vanish after placing the order, without giving any of those details.

What do we do in case ? Do we :

  1. Ask for cancellation and increase our cancellation percentage ?
  2. Mark the gig as delivered ?

    Does Fiverr penalize for cancellations even if it not Seller’s fault ?


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Guest itsyourthing

The countdown timer shouldn’t start until the buyer submits the information that you ask for in the “buyer instructions” section for your gig.

If the timer hasn’t started, the gig can just sit there, it won’t cause any harm. Use the “what are you looking for” search box at the top right of this page to find other forum posts that explain your options if the clock is already ticking. Best of luck!

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I usually try to contact a couple of times, if the buyer has not provided the information when the time hits the minimum time i need to complete the order within the time limit, I initiate a mutual cancellation. In my case this has always resulted in a forced cancellation with a negative effect on cancellation ratio, still the only thing we can do really and as long as the cancellation rate stays low i think it will be ok.

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Guest itsyourthing
izenesis said: The ways of Fiverr are more mysterious than that of God

Not mysterious. The buyer is more important to the system - they aren't as easily replaced as sellers.


So to re-cap, mutual cancellations do not affect rating, but forced cancellations do?


If you send screen caps with a support ticket, they may be able to do something since you can prove that they buyer never followed the instructions.


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