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Sellers Deliver in Last Minutes?


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Hi Guys,

Just wondered if it annoys anyone else when you wait 5 days (Estimated Delivery) and the seller delivers the gig with something like 50 minutes before the deadline. I know some jobs on fiverr can probably take up to 1 hour, but when you are 1 out of 2 or 3 buyers is there really any need for this? As a seller myself I get the job done ASAP.




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It should only annoy anyone if the order is delivered late. If the gig description says five days then no one should really complain if it takes five days unless the buyer and seller have agreed on a different delivery time.

However, some sellers may state if “I am not busy” I will deliver early or you can purchase an extra for a faster delivery. The actual delivery time is based on the average delivery time so conceivably, if every gig was delivered early then the time for completion would change, thus causing some problems.

I have seven days delivery time and with everything else going on it may very well take the entire time. I usually have a full “Q” so each order is completed as quickly as quality and accuracy allows.

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My delivery time takes days off into account and for any problems outside of Fiverr along with other orders. Fiverr is just a side gig of many for me so the buyers are not the only people I do work for. I try to delivery in a good amount of time but that isn’t always possible. I’ve had buyers ask for a quicker delivery time but state upfront that I can’t guarantee it, depending on a number of factors, without the extra fast option being ordered.

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Guest reneef79

I agree with Madmoo and the others. I deliver the work within the stated delivery time; sometimes that may be 30 to 45 minutes before the time due and sometimes it may be hours before. However, this is extra money for me and I work on bigger, higher-paying projects for other clients. I schedule delivery times to ensure I have enough time to complete the projects on here and for the other clients.

Some sellers provide work that is far more valuable the rates paid on here. As a buyer, I am okay as long as the order is not late.

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My delivery period is around 5-6 days because it is very lengthy work and we are not using any automated software but we are working 6-8 people in team. Sometimes, if order queue is long and we have less members in team then we are taking full time to deliver single order but when we have sufficient members and having less queue then we are delivering before time.

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@originalh - I buy with the idea of the deadline being fair in mind. The onus is on the seller to deliver properly. If it comes last minute but satisfies me, then it is ok. However though, if it’s the kind of thing that just by common sense you know will have more back and forth, the seller should always be trying to stay ahead of the curve imo. Waiting until last minute makes the revision process a little more of a hassle.

I’ve had illustrators send me what they were working on early in the process so I could tell them to go a different direction if need be.

Of course, it depends on the type of gigs we’re talking about.

Like Madmoo, I deliver as fast as I can. For me it’s partly because it’s common with voiceovers and scripts that folks may want revisions.

I also deliver fast because I am always a little paranoid about the “next” gigs coming in and want to stay ahead of the curve and not get overwhelmed.

Sometimes the buyer is out of touch for too long and if I didn’t deliver something, I may not make the deadline. I will always deliver something if the buyer can’t get back to me in time. When I deliver I always offer it with the option to continue and revise it. I always try to reassure them that even though I delivered, they still have a say with revisions.

I have found that the express gigs people really want to order because they get delivered quickly. However, because it’s an express gig guaranteed to be delivered in 24 or less, time is short if the buyer and seller aren’t in contact.

I have a couple times delivered a “draft” short of hearing from buyers before the deadline. As I said, always with reassurances. There are ways to be both flexible and ethical along these lines.

It wouldn’t be right if I just dropped out of contact after delivering and I’d surely be risking getting negatives if I did.

In short, I deliver work I know won’t be final just to make the deadline and I explain it to the buyer why very carefully. I always let them know that I won’t let them down on it.

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Well you’re gonna hate me ! I’m afraid I am one of those but I NEVER go late, I am very busy here on Fiverr with sometimes queues of up to 60 orders at once, takes time to go through them all, most are 3 day but I have 7 day stuff that I do deliver up to the last minute sometimes, it’s my work flow and it works well for me. I love working under pressure. Plus Family and other work commitments too mean I’m not here all the time

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Guest itsyourthing

The deadline is the deadline - it doesn’t matter if it’s delivered a month early or a minute before.

I don’t even get how this is an issue.

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I agree with you all, but how do you feel if you get work you know has been made last minute? The gig stated they were a design team and the work was nothing like the portfolio and the seller had put “fiverr is my only source of income I work hard for this”… strange

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Reply to @originalh:

I don’t think your issue is with it being delivered within the last hour, but more an issue with that specific order. I am sure, if the deliverable was what you expected, you wouldn’t have minded.

My leadtime is 7 days, and I can take up to 7 days to do my gigs - not because the gig takes me 7 days, but I have other work and personal commitments. That is what the extra fast price is for, for that price, the customer become my priority and everything else is dropped whilst I take care of it

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While I agree that it can be frustrating waiting until the last minute to get something that you paid for you have to take a couple of things into consideration. First, if the time requested in the gig is 5 days, then you really should allow them 5 days. If they are late then you are more than correct to be upset and complain. Secondly, if you buy a gig that says X but you expect it to do Y, its the same as buying an economy car and expecting sports car performance and getting upset when it doesn’t do it. Don’t expect what is clearly not advertised. This is why some buyers get upset at sellers. They read more into a gig than what it actually says.

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I really appreciate the buyers that understand the work you do. You don’t get many tips what you do get is someone that gives you the respect.

People here on fiverr come here for allsorts of reasons and god praise that we’r not lost in a hole stuck in internet land forever and ever. (like I have done constantly!)

I would rather have my work done by someone that comes back to the project fresh minded with a clear head than to have it done by someone thats just in it for a quick buck.

To have received quality work that your really happy with for me is better than feeling I’v jut threw my money away. Please understand that we all have lives, we could all stay on the internet forever and ever and rush all our work but it gives everyone a bad name and without hard workers and thoughtful people fiverr would lose its great reputation.

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Guest integritymedia

If the work was nothing like the portfolio, if you’re not satisfied, I would message the seller.

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Guest mrspanda

I’ve delivered about 2 seconds before deadline before…

I have a very pressing life outside of the internet, plus I don’t know when I’m going to go into labor which makes my life very unpredictable. I also just moved across the world so I don’t have internet in my house yet… so I basically plan all my deliveries around 2-3 days out of the week when I can.

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Sounds like the issue was not the timing but the quality. I try to deliver ahead of schedule but run a very busy marketing company and have regular orders on Fiverr. Balance and deadlines weigh in, along with “creative” mood.

But I never deliver less than stellar work. Period.

So if the work did not meet the standard set in the portfolio you purchased from, it is really a quality issue.

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Guest expertseo1


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Guest cust0mcr3ationz

I am never without orders in my queue and all my buyers can see that. If any buyers have questions they just drop me a line. I actually encourage a customer to contact me and have a conversation to give them a quote because it may be more than a $5 order. I give an estimated time period of usually 5-7 days on all my gigs. There are times I have to take that whole time or be a few hours late due to a lot of orders all at once. If a customer orders a gig extra I drop everything and do that order immediately. We’re only human we have to eat, we have to sleep, we have to take time away from work to do other things. I complete the shortest projects first and the ones where I have to contact the customer again over and over again it takes longer. If I have 3 short stories to do all at once I’m going to make sure I finish the shortest ones first. Fiverr is my job…i work freelance. So the thing is if someone needs an order faster, that’s why we have gig extras. After all we’re only making $4 for the job If someone orders the minimum order. Many of us put much more time and effort in our jobs than $4 per each gig ordered. I know Madmoo, Oldbittygrandma, and Twistedweb123 do. We all love what we do and we love having the ability to work from the comfort of home.

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I actually hate when a buyer tries to rush me. The delivery time is set for a reason. Whether I deliver 15 hours early or 2 minutes before my deadline, the most important thing is, its done right and its done on time. Buyers need to understand that sellers have a life too. I check fiverr very offer, but I also work & go to school.

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I agree on the above comments, this is more like a quality issue. There is nothing wrong with delivering on last minutes, there is just the probability that if the seller procrastinates, realized he/she is late, ends up with a bad, rushed work. THAT will annoy buyers.

This is why I always talk and discuss with my buyers regarding the turnaround time and it’s different for each one of them, some need the work fast, some are relaxing, some dropped by and never to be seen again until few days or weeks! That is fine though because I always keep track and note every buyer I am working with.

Whether you deliver on time, late, or at the last seconds, as long as you could keep your buyers happy, then there should be no problem!

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Well there is this thing going on when people need time for other work such as vacation,family time or event or any other sickness or job work etc.

NO one likes to get their level badge removed just because they cannot be online actively daily.level badge is something that they earned by effort right? So all like to keep it although they get busy with other work apart from Fiverr.

So extending the time frame is a safety option for sellers.Buyers cannot report this because they order knowingly right? So why do you feel annoying? It’s something between the buyer and the certain seller.

People who do Fiverr only…they can have many Express Gigs…

no one can expect the same from all… 🙂

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