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There is a big problem for new sellers to get their first sell


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As a new member,I face like this problem.I can’t get more sells.So I relized that there is a big problem for new sells to get their first sell. :(( I changed my gig description and tags so many times but nothing happend. =(( I believe one day I will make more sells.So new selles never hopeless.Try to keep your gigs update and stay with fiverr.we are waiting for that moment.

Cheers!!! :x

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I understand the feeling. When I first joined, I think it took me about two weeks before I got my first order. Then I had to wait for another week for another order. In the first two months, I got about 12 orders, probably 13, I don’t quite remember. Thankfully, 3 of my customers were nice enough to give comments, so I continued to get new customers.

My suggestion:

  1. Know what you’re offering. If your gig is about programming, please understand that most of your customers won’t actually understand a string of programming. Make it clear in your gigs page what you offer, and why your customer would want to hire you.
  2. Take time to explain things to your customer. If you offer programming, try to ask him exactly what he’s looking for, provide alternatives to the best of your knowledge so the customer feels like he’s got his money’s worth. Saying “OK, I can do this. $60!” will not work. You should specify what the customer can get from paying $60. Customers are more likely to pay you money if he knows what he’s getting. Another example, the customer may be asking you to program HTML4 webpage, but you think this is going to be incredibly expensive and won’t look good, so explain to him that incorporating Java would make his site appeal better instead of pure HTML.
  3. Don’t be too technical. Explaining your gig to your customer does not mean that you get to bombard his head with a lot of technical jargons that only people who took IT can understand. If you do this, you risk losing the customer, as it can be misunderstood as an attempt to cheat him of his money by giving him a headache until he say ‘Do as you wish’. While some may fall for this, most won’t, they will think “I better find someone who communicates better”
  4. Fulfill your promises. If you offer to deliver the job for $60, don’t suddenly go back and say, “Sorry, I need another $10 to do this work” or “I’m too busy, it will be delayed by 10 days”. While some would tolerate a delay of one day if you tell them in advance, 5 or 10 days’s worth of delay is too much. Some of these people run companies, and the longer you delay, the more overhead they suffer. Also, if you promise a website worth of 6 pages, make it 6 pages, don’t reduce it to 4 saying that you weren’t paid enough.
  5. Be consistent. If you offer a two page website for $5, keep that price for some time. Don’t keep changing your rates every few days. This is a common newbie mistake, as they don’t know how much to charge. I also suffered this mistake at first, offering my gig at 1200 words for $5. I thought I needed the edge. I did get some early work, but I realized that it very quickly cut into my personal time, not to mention that the money wasn’t worth the effort. So after my 4th job, I reduced it to 800 words, then after my 40th comment, I reduced it to 600 words. I had too much work that I couldn’t do it all, thinking that some newer translators should get some of the work.
  6. Don’t think your customer is stupid. This is in opposition to Suggestion 2 & 3. Sometimes you get customers who know what they want. You couldn’t possibly know which customers they are, so go ahead to my Suggestion 7.
  7. Be polite. Being polite goes a long way to helping you drag the customers who had taken the bait. Nobody wants to work with rude know-it-alls. Nobody wants to be insulted for not knowing what they want. That’s what you’re here for, to help them understand what they want so they’ll hire you. Try saying thank you with every mail, even if you don’t know if they’ll hire you yet.
  8. DO NOT cheat your customers. This is more important than all the above. You cheat your customers, your reliability, reputation and desirability plummets. This also means you shouldn’t go with half-assed work because you didn’t want to check hundreds of lines of code. They hired you, they deserve your full effort within their budget. There are many ways you can cheat your customer, try not to do any that you can think of.

    Of course, I’ve never dealt with you, so I couldn’t possibly know your work ethics. But if you need some guidelines, this suggestion can get your started.


    p/s: This is the guidelines that I myself follow. I’ve never run out of customers. I may not get rich from this, but the work never stops. Maybe I should revise my rates again. It’s been two months since I revised it. I’m getting jobs almost non-stop now.

    p/s2: I just had a look at your profile. I don’t see the problem. You seem to be doing well for having joined for only one month. Give it time and customers will eventually come. Though I must admit that your gigs page may need some work. Once you got some money from the jobs, just hire someone to fix the grammar and reorder your gigs description for all your gigs. You’re not a native English speaker, so people can tolerate your errors, but a professional-looking gig gets more views, assume 5% become customers, you still win.
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