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Obviously! I too want to be borne on top rating list but being a new seller no buyer picks me for his oder as He or she can’t see my gig in the Top Rating list which is shown by default in response to a search request.

I have tried it myself to search for the kind of gig I am selling. But I could find my gig only after filtering the new sellers and the New Tab Listing in a down to the bottom place. Surprisingly, the sellers who are not selling the gig perfectly matching the search criteria are listed on the top probably due to being high rated.

How can I make my gigs comes to the potential buyers attention?

My request is that please Finish the descrimination of TOP RATING;RECOMMENED AND NEW

The Seach result should be based on the perfect matching of the request by defaul. However, If someone wants to narrow the search by giving criteria of TOP RATING then he should be able to do so.

So new geeks be given equal chance of selling and the buyer gets the perfect gig!

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