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Order button


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I think i would be great for sellers that Order Button can be Sent to a buyer instead of have it on the Gig.

I have explained in my gig that buyer must contact first before to place an order. Some of them don’t do that and it causes a mutual cancellation fully unnecessary if client can not acces to this button if it is not present until it makes contact first.

Also, surfing gigs of other people i press this and caused this non desired order to a seller. I was very afraid but order was launched. Why there is not confirmation once “order button” is pressed???

What did you think??

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I’m agree with you. If also when i define my Gig also, i can decide if main button is for Buy or for Demand a customized price.

Touch screen or touch pad in a laptop, that was my case. It is very sensitive and trying to advance over the gig i pressed over Buy button. Anybody can understand one money transaction without confirmation?? This is real in Fiverr gigs.

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