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Promotion to Level 2 stopped my sales


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I was promoted to level 2 ( 10 days) and ever since then I only got 2 orders. Before now when I was level one seller, I get 3-4 order a day but things have really changed after the promotion. Its seems like becoming a lever 2 seller has a more negative then positive outcome. Please fiverr I would rather be a level 1 seller with consitant sales rather than a level 2 seller with little on no sales.

Has any anyone experience this before? Please how do I still get sales as a level 2 seller?


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  • 2 months later...
Guest adwordxpert

This happened with me when I reached Level 1.

After reaching Level 1, I got 5-7 sales and when I am about to complete the Level 2 requirements, suddenly no sales from past weeks

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Think of your Fiverr store as a kiosk in a shopping mall. You should constantly be evaluating your competition and your deal. Things are evolving and you need to make sure things are current. I totally reworked my gig three times before I got it where I wanted it. It took me over 100 delivered gigs before I figured out exactly what my offer was. Like jonbaas said, Read 90 minutes a day and you will continue to see where you need to be. I was in your shoes just 18 months ago and you can do it.

No Negative Reviews, Ontime, Fast Revisions, Fast Communications.

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  • 5 weeks later...
  • 3 years later...

This is the same thing I’m dealing with right now. It’s been a month since I was promoted to level 2 and no orders at all.

How can you be certain that you aren’t receiving sales entirely because of a level promotion? What if you just aren’t appealing to your target market, and, no matter what level you have, they have chosen to hire someone else – instead of you?

The levels system is almost entirely independent of your actual seller performance, and it is your seller performance – not your level – that determines your success on this site. A level is just a level. Performance determines your skill and professionalism, which we know plays a part in where you show up in the search engine.

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