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They just pay immediately

Guest grogbro

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Guest grogbro

Am I able to decline a job and not get affected negatively? So far I have been able to do everything that was sent to me but sometimes I would have loved to talk to the person first, like I have mentioned in my gig. But, what happens if someone pays me, and I do not want to do the task? Can I cancel it, and even if they get pissed off it won’t affect me?

Thanks for any info


Well, there is an option to “mutually cancel” that used to effect our rating but now doesn’t. The down-side is that the buyer would have to accept and sometimes a few of them are stubborn. Most of the time they’re understanding though if they ask of something you don’t offer or are not able to provide and with a mutual cancellation it makes it quick and easy.


If they have not provided the getting started information you can mutually cancel and it not effect anything but, if it is canceled after they submit information than it is shown on your gig page. Other than that it does not affect much. As long as your cancellation rate is decently low most people will not even take note of it.

Guest grogbro

There needs to be an Approve on gigs that get submitted to you. So if you dont have time you could deny it, or delay it, etc.


I think “approving” gigs would create doubt and delay and detract from the fiverr experience.

Some sellers can take quite a while to respond. To wait 24 hours and only then be told your purchase has not been approved would be frustrating to say the least. For me, fiverr is all about speed - speed in delivering a service and speed in receiving it.

I agree with the earlier comment that a mutual cancellation is the best way forward. And if you communicate politely and clearly with your buyer, the evidence is there for customer support to respond favourably, if it needs their intervention.


I read that envato studio has an option to set how many task of each gig you can do at a given time, so it auto turn of the gig until you finish the workload you told it you can do on any given time. That will be a nice option.


I agree there needs to be something in place to keep gigs from just popping up. Maybe not an approval. But to have someone request a gig without any sort of conversation with the seller like I had yesterday forces you to try to mutually cancel. And if someone isn’t understanding your stuck doing something you don’t want to do and then risking a bad review at the end of the job.


I like the idea of having a gig approval process–it definitely feels like it would afford sellers more control over what we work on and who we work with, but I also feel like…jeez, this is going to sound mean–I’ll preface it with saying that I LOVE Fiverr and being able to run my business here…but with all of the bugs recently…it would just be one more stage for something to go wrong.

Plus, like vakart said, Fiverr is all about speed–at least, for the buyers. The platform is set up so that it should be speedy to find the service you need and speedy to buy. That delay would sort of be against their brand image. I think it would be great for me because my maximum response time would be like six hours (if I’m sleeping), but on the average likely less than one hour. But there would be sellers who took a full day to respond, and the buyer would lose all of that time.

Guest grogbro

I have people that just immediately pay for my Gig, and they don’t read my requirements, OR they put in either blank text or “yeap!” for my requirements of “Did you message me first to talk about your project?” Then, so I have this task they’ve put in there and I have to try to cancel it, or work through it. If I cancel it looks bad on me. We need a Toggle that you can turn ON that lets you approve. If you dont want it on and you want your gig to go through auto, so be it, dont turn it on.

This is needed. A toggle for approval on a task/gig!

Guest itsyourthing

Reply to @vakart: An “approve” option could be provided with a time limit - a seller has to accept an order within 24 hours for ‘typical’ gigs or within 2 hours for quick gigs; if they don’t accept or do anything, the order moves forward the same way it does now. That could also help the buyers who order and then hear nothing until the gig is delivered or goes late. At least they’d know the seller is aware of the order.

I won’t avoid all the problems, but it might help. It’s ridiculous how many times orders are placed for work that has nothing to do with the gig, or is exactly what the description says the gig isn’t.


Reply to @itsyourthing: This is a great idea. I’ve seen posts in the suggestion box for an “approve” button and I think it is needed, especially for when a buyer requests something not in your description, or something that costs extra but they didn’t pay for it, or any of those nutty situations. Plus, if it is a buyer you know is a problem you could use it for that too - like one I had that messaged me wanting free extra-fast and implied that if I didn’t agree they would just order to leave me poor feedback. However, I agree that a time limit would be safer for buyers and only fair.


Reply to @emasonwrites: What if it was on a timer that was fairly short? Even with time for sleep, the average seller could view orders within say 12-14 hours. Given that Fiverr gives 24 extra hours before you can auto-cancel and that is after a seller’s set delivery time, I know I’ve had to wait several days anyway on orders where the seller just never delivered at all. Of course, I was able to cancel and leave negative feedback but to me, that was even worse than if I had waited a day or less only to get a cancellation.

The way it is now, a non-responsive seller does not make for a speedy purchase no matter what, since the shortest possible time for that would be what - 24 hrs promised delivery plus 24-ish hours for Fiverr grace period? If the approval was automatic after anything less than 48 hours, it wouldn’t be any worse for buyers than the current system but could really benefit sellers.


Don’t hesitate to negotiate AFTER the order is placed. I have told several people that they had not purchased enough for what they wanted, and they purchased the additional gigs. You can also request more detailed information.

Guest itsyourthing
emasonwrites said: .it would just be one more stage for something to go wrong.


Plus, like vakart said, Fiverr is all about speed--at least, for the buyers. The platform is set up so that it should be speedy to find the service you need and speedy to buy.

More works for the spanners to stick in. It is a valid concern.


emasonwrites said: That delay would sort of be against their brand image.
But so is $5.50 per gig. ;)




Reply to @fonthaunt: Hrmmmmm…EXCELLENT points. I was thinking the system would just let the order hang out there in limbo (like it does when a buyer places the order but doesn’t send instructions) if the seller didn’t respond, but if it auto-started or auto-cancelled after 24 hours (and maybe the buyer could choose whether it started or cancelled if the seller was unresponsive), AND, like grogbro said below, we could toggle it on or off, it could be viable.

It would cut down on, I think, the number of buyers who place orders and then just never hear from the seller and the number of orders that sellers get that just have nothing to do with what the gig actually offers, if it actually worked.


Reply to @johnnewland: I second this. I have very politely talked with buyers and informed them they hadn’t bought enough for what they were asking for I’ve never had a problem with it. It helps to undersell and overdeliver so they already feel they’re getting a great deal.

For the record, I’ve had a few buyers overpay me on purpose just because they think what I’m offering is worth more than what I’m charging. No complaints here.

Guest grogbro

Yeah, we all know that these gigs go above $5. I am offering the gig, so if I want to deny someones request I should have the power to. If they buy it, then they don’t want to cancel it in a nice way, mutually, then you are boned.

  • 2 weeks later...

Here’s another thought.

In the same way you can optionally add “instructions for buyer”, that must be completed before the order timer begins, how about having an option “pre-order conversation required” on each gig.

If selected by the seller on their gig, the buyer is forced to contact you with their requirements BEFORE they are permitted to order.

This would give the seller opportunity to clarify what can and cant be done and create a custom quote.

If the seller didnt respond in a timely manner, they are doing themselves a discredit and the buyer will look elsewhere.

The seller could additionally specify that repeat buyers are automatically allowed to order as normal and bypass the “pre-order conversation”, which would effectively be trreating them as trusted buyers.

Just a thought 😉

Guest itsyourthing
vakart said: Here's another thought.
It's a very good thought. It would be great if Fiverr implemented it. But, even though it keeps the responsibility on the seller, it still puts up a potential barrier to buyers by making them take an additional step. Fiverr likes orders first, above all, and then figure out how to get them delivered.


Maybe, just maybe, they'd consider it. :)


Guest grogbro

This Deny button would be a toggle, like I mentioned. If you didnt want the Deny button on your gig, then the order would go right through.

I hear you Vakart, but I do this now, and for the requirements I have like “Are you sure you messaged me?” and “Did we chat about your task?” etc…they just put either something like “Yeah…” or “…” and the gig goes through as normal.

I have people asking me to copy logos etc, and they put in “blah!” for the requirements and it sends the gig order through to me. I’ve had a few people deny the mutual cancellation because they insisted I could do the work.

Guest lucyagag

Reply to @tylerullery: As far as I’m aware cancellation rate is not shown anymore so it shouldn’t be a problem to cancel a gig as long as the buyer accepts the cancellation.

Guest lucyagag

Reply to @grogbro: I think Fiverr could implement the ability to choose a maximum number of active orders, this would help avoid being overworked and it would give other people offering a similar product a chance!


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