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INCOMPLETE orders always bother me


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Recently, some former clients contact me for new projects. It’s good things, but also there is something a little bother me. After we discussed in message board, my clients always order, pay and then waiting for my delivery. But the order is still INCOMPLETE, and I have to explain to them that please say something is order page, this is the rule of fiverr, I can’t deliery in an incomplete order…

Is there any solution for this problem? For example, the buyer paid and the order ready for my delivery, buyers don’t need to say anything is order page.

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Reply to @spqrdesign:

It’s not your fault that they didn’t leave you the information you need. If they didn’t send it, nudge them. If they ignore it, ignore it :P. Just keep nudging them every other day or so, and then your job is done!

Even if the sent you the stuff in the messaging board just keep nudging them!

Unfortunately theres nothing you can do…

Unless someone would like to correct me… Any TRS?

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Reply to @pranavbatra0027: I noticeed this problem recently, and have switched the ‘instructions for buyer’ to optional. But new orders still can’t start until the buyer leave message in this order page, still need I to nudge the buyer.

Your order don’t need any buyer’s message in order page to start, and can “DELIVER YOUR ORDER” not “NUDGE BUYER” at the top right of the order?

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