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[LOOKING FOR] Complete Design Package (Webpage, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Steam, Twitch)


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I have been developing a gaming community for the past six years and now I’m looking to hire someone with great experience within graphical design to create a complete and professional design for the community.

I’m requesting a clean design for our Webpage (header image), Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Steam & Twitch (timeline, profile pictures and background images etc.)

If you think that you are the right person for this job, please do not hesitate to post a comment below with further information about yourself and contact me here on Fiverr.

Regards, Niklas

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I can help. I’m good at Designing things.

I tried to contact you but it looks like I can’t. You can reach me via my gig (I do have just one at this moment. After 3 long years I’ve started taking fiverr seriously. )

I’ve got lots of samples that I can show you and I’m good at what I do.

Let me know.

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