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Advent Calendar


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Hi. I am looking for Advent Calendar to use on my webshop.

On Storefront

  1. There will be a block on the storefront which will advertise Advent Calendar.

    when out of season it shall be possible to change and use anytime all year. For example to BlackFriday, on other holidays, in the weekend etc.

  2. When user clicks on the block, user is shown a complete calendar advertising deal for each of the day. Shall be possible to open only the current days windows. Shall be possible to buy from here too when customer click on the picture a link open the product where the products show with description and the “add to cart” button.
  3. When user buys something and comes to checkout, there would be an option to avail the advent deal of that day.

    shall be possible to use every other day later too

    On Adminfront
  4. Admin needs to configure the deal/gift for each of the day - it will be mainly a promo code.

  5. Promo code can be configured for OK
  • Buy 1 Get 1 Free
  • Buy 1 Get $ off on all other
  • Free for today
  • $ discount today

    anyone that can help me out? A lot of other jobs too for a long time cooperation
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