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Free Gig to whom who purchases First ....(I will buy his Gig too) ;) Hurry Up


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Guest swagdesi

Hello @tayabrehman

I have seen your Gigs and I will advice you to check the Grammatical Mistakes that you have made in Gig Title & Description as this gives wrong impression to your buyers.

Thank you 🙂


Hello tayabrehman.

I too read your Gig.

There is absolutely no problems buying someone else gig after they buy yours to support the community and sellers alike. I understood the Gig intent. However, you may want to reconsider the overall motive, so that you are selling to the masses and not strictly to exchange with other sellers. BTW, the whole thing about Grammatical errors, brush that off man, some people have poor over all vision or focus.

Best Regards,

MichellTech (Rob)

Best In The Business!

Come’on, Buy A Gig Already! You Know You Want Too…!


Reply to @swagdesi: BTW I DID READ YOUR GIG FOR A SOCIAL NET SITE and your gig is COMPLETELY not permitted, you MUST have a 5 dollar option, not $10… The minute CS sees it, your gig would be pulled most likely. I’d worry more about your Gigs errors and issues than others. Just a heads up… As I have shown below, one of the cropped shots i took, I have the whole thing as well…GIGS are 5 dollars, its a trade mark name from fiverr. GIG/FIVERR/GIGS which are $5…There are other ways you could have done this, but you didn’t and what you have done, is not permitted. I’m not the law on fiverr, and couldnt care less so do what you want, I’m not going to send to cs or anything, leave that to the hall monitors, but for you to be telling the other guy about grammar when your exploiting the rule system of fiverr, is pretty funny.

Guest swagdesi

Reply to @michelltech: Thank you for your advice 🙂

But I do have a 5 dollar option and I have already made 50 sales in less than 30 days so CS had no problem with this as I have already communicated with them and they know about this very well 🙂

Anyways thank you for your concern 🙂


Reply to @swagdesi: Nah sorry man, people make hundreds of sales on things not allowed, that doesnt mean anything, all it takes is one person, to report that it was listed and then says otherwise. Again, its not for me to say, but I know what I am saying, and I can easily move on it if youd like to see what im saying, cause I dont see the $5 option. And the default has to be $5, not $10, so either way, as I said, no skin off my back, but i didnt see a 5 dollar option, bet if I ordered it right now and you came back with the $10 business from the description, youd see how fast it went in a different direction with cs…fact…

Guest swagdesi

Reply to @michelltech: Thank you again for taking out time and going through all this 🙂

But how can I sell a Complete Social Networking Website for just 5 USD. It takes week to write down a website script and then sell it for only 5 USD.

Dont you think that price should be set as per the work you do?

For logo its 5 USD and for a Website too it should be 5 USD?? Dont you think its unfair for Programmers??


Reply to @swagdesi: You are addressing the wrong things, its $5 gigs plus extras…So I’m saying…There are ways you could have done this correctly, currently it isn’t a a proper laid out gig, and we dont have to talk about it anymore. I’m not hating on you, i’m just telling you.


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