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Weirdest. Order. Ever


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One thing that has surprised me is how many orders I get that have little to do with my advertised gigs, or even some that are related to my advertised gigs but take them in unique directions. I’m a writer and very quickly on fiverr I’ve been asked to write some pretty odd items.

For those with experience to share, what has been your strangest gig request?

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Guest loisjong

I don’t have any weird request to share, but just want to say: what a great question/topic! 🙂 I am curious to read what stories will get shared here.

And may we also hear your strangest gig request please? 🙂

kindest regards


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Sure Louise! I should start by saying that although I have a varied writing background and am a professional writer, my live gigs right now are only for blog post writing and blog comments. I think what has surprised me has been the range of things requested based on my blog gigs in only 10 days.

My favorite buyer responded to my blog writing gig asking if I could create postcard-length stories from his (raunchy/EDM/provocative) punk rock/trance songs. It’s been fun diving into this one. Who knew I could give off a punk vibe?

This week I also wrote the introduction for a children’s book, some tweets, descriptions for properties for sale, and revised a couple of fiverr gig listings. This doesn’t even start to hint at the range of topics I’ve written blog posts for.

I have to be VERY careful about sending the right files to each buyer. 🙂

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