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Purchased by mistake button


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Hi All

So i understand that mutual cancelations no longer effect ratings.

However cancelations do seem to have some effect on a gigs ranking within search.

I get quite a few cancelations each week where a buyer has purchased my gig by mistake using one click buy. I have noticed this seems to be mainly happening on the fiverr mobile app.

Rather than cancel the gig themselves the buyer often sends me a message asking me to cancel. Its at this point that i notice the cancelation has effect on gig impressions in searches.

So My Suggestion:

Dear Fiverr please add a big and clear button for one click buyers and mobile users to be able to cancel the gig themselves when they make a mistake while browsing! This will reduce the need to send the seller a message first.

Or please remove the one click buy option!

Thanks in advance

Mr Explainer

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