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My Seller has disappeared and final edits are not completed!


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Hi I need some suggestions - we had a Whiteboard animation done. It came back very nice however there were a few edits required. I notified the Seller that I need to get approval on it! She agreed. I now have the edits and she is no longer there! I now have an un-finalized project? Can Fiverr help me on this and contact the seller to finalize. NEED help - this is a business project.

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Hello, has it been more than a day since you have last spoken to the seller? Also the seller may be offline out and about most people have jobs to do outside of fiverr because even though fiverr is great it does not make us a full time job. I would wait at-least another day or two if nothing then contact customer support or cancel and buy from another seller.

Best regards,


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