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Do you think Fiverr should reduce the number of Gigs one can have?


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I think I have too many gigs and I blame it all on Fiverr. Or is there a max number of gigs one can have? I am constantly hit by new gig ideas. I believe it is a good way to at least see which ones have sold within a certain period of time and get rid of some not-converting gigs . I am still looking at how it will go with time. Maybe the number of gigs should be reduced to help Fiverrs choose the best of their best from the start. What do I know , I still smell like a newbie.

What do you think guys?

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I agree with @kjblynx. In the end, though, when it comes to the number of gigs any seller has (under the 20-30 limit established by Fiverr), each seller has the freedom to offer the kind of gigs and the number of gigs ideal to their own skills, and their own time availability. If you have 20 different skills, and the time to market and complete them for buyers, go for it! If 20 great gigs is too much, you have the ability to self-police your own abilities, and you can cut down on gigs – keeping those that sell well, and removing or suspending those that do not.

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