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Outsource on Fiverr?


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I know many come here looking for cheap outsource, but have you found any FROM Fiverr looking for outsource right HERE on Fiverr? In short, have any other seller asked you to do something so they can sell it with a higher price? If yes, how did you handle this?

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I think voice and illustration sellers are worth checking out. Some of the services on o-desk and Free-lancers is overrated with price and the delivery. If any buyer comes up with broken down tasks then he can get those pieces done at cheap cost from the fiverr. I have done this with illustration gig for my client and it works just fine.

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as per my knowledge many people are doing this, I will not see fiverr is cheap but there are many other factors which force buyer to try it, like finding right person, time saving etc

If you find some reliable sellers its good idea to outsource their services

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