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Buyers should have their reputation visible on their profile

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I believe most of the sellers were scammed here at least once.

I personally lost 100$ a few months ago.Someone placed an order and after I delivered, he cancelled the order and stole the money from me. So he got free work and he used my video is his campaign.Nobody ever helped me with this.

Bad buyers sometimes have a specific behavior.They usually place big orders and they dont give very specific details about what they want, so they appear to be very generous for no reason. On the other hand, some bad buyers appear to be very cheap and ask for a huge amount of work, but they are not willing to give the right price.<br /> At least, this is what I observed since I am on fiverr.<br /> <br /> Sellers and buyers can give rating, but the rating is visible only under the sellers gigs. If me, as a seller, I leave a negative rating for my buyer, this rating will not be visible on BUYERS PROFILE.<br /> I consider that the rating should also be visible on buyers PROFILE.

Somebody ordered a gig from me, but my sense and experience are telling me that something is not ok with this buyer.He is only a buyer, not a seller, so if I check out his profile…nothing there, no world domination, no rating, nothing.I would like to know about his reputation, I would like to know what kind of buyer is he.(?)

I believe fiverr should find a method to make buyers reputation visible on hes profile.

A buyer can see a sellers reviews on sellers profile, a seller should be able to see a buyers reviews on buyers profile.This would be fair.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I totally agree, buyers ratings (if any) should also be visible so that sellers will have an appreciation of who they are doing business with. Fiverr is a great idea but I am very cautious, as once someone gives you a bad rating despite your innocence; unfortunately there is no recourse. Out-come bad rating remains on your profile.

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I agree with you, but there’s a problem here. When you recieve an order from a “bad buyer” you still can’t do nothing about it, because you already recieved an order and canceling it would be negative on your level and rating. It will only be meaningful if sellers had the right to accept or decline an order from buyers, then buyers rating can really help us as sellers!

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I totally agree with you that buyers need to have their ratings published and they should be rejected if they go around scamming sellers.

I have had the terrible experiences two to three times when buyers took me through days and nights of sacrifice, to produce work for them and when delivered, they decided that that’s not what they want, and that they will not pay for it.

Some even fail to correspond with me during the turn-around -period if I needed any extra clarification or to notify them of new or unpredictable developements on the job, which eventually force me to take a chance and deliver something that I am not certain of, or the next best thing to do is to cancel the job.

The sad thing about it is that the work cannot be taken back from them, so they get away with a free work done.

One even caused me to lose several days of being able to work, and had my level and ratings reversed. Also, if this was in place, then some of the buyers would not have been so quick to mark down buyers over some trivial things.

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I was scammed out of $350. One of my buyers needed a massive website. I accepted the order and delivered (well ahead of schedule). The buyer said thank you, but his “Client” (reselling gigs) did not approve. He left no rating, but I got a message saying that the order was cancelled by Fiverr Customer Service.

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I do agree as well, the idea about the buyers review is good, it should be visible on his profile as well. Also i would suggest to just,if it is possible,divide your orders in 20$ per time for exemple, this way no matter what happens your lose is not going to be big, because no matter what fiverr does we still wouldn’t get 100% protection!I had a cancellation recently and i 've bee n thinking about it a lot.

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IMO showing the buyers rating is sort of unnatural! When you come to some shop to buy whatever product, do you declare your income to the seller? Next time you go to Starbacks don’t forget to bring your tax declarations since 2010! Because these coffee-sellers wants to be sure that you are not going to run away with all the sugar and paper napkins.

Fiverr is said to be a 5$ market, it is not insurance, banking or casino. Think from that perspective. Don’t accept big orders from unknowns and you are safe - that is an idea of that place!

Especially it is funny to hear statements about cheating sellers and ruined ratings from 1st-level sellers! You are just starting here, how come you already have that experience?

I understand some TRS with thousands of sales working hard to keep their 100% ratings - they might be granted such a privilege to have an extra information on buyers activity (since it is they who dedicated the most to Fiverr’s success). But definitely not a sheep who registered two week ago!

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Reply to @anarchofighter: I see what you are saying. My thought is that if there could be a system for showing not only buyer ratings but adding levels for buyers, it isn’t so much that I could do anything with the information but that I would have better “footing” on the treacherous seller mountain. 😉 Let’s say that a buyer completes a transaction with me while I have 100% positive feedback and then they ask for a ton of extra free work. (Based on real example.) When I decline they get upset. I offer them a refund and decide to eat the time, but at least not give them rights to all the work I already did. They refuse the refund, keep my work, and leave me a poor rating. Right now I can leave them a poor rating in return but I my seller rating is harmed and they go on and do it to someone else.

On the other hand, if my rating for them goes on a record that is viewable by other sellers, those sellers do have a slight shot at avoiding that buyer if a message contact is made prior to order. Regardless, if others rate that buyer poorly over time, the buyer’s account gets “flagged” in the Fiverr system as well. If the buyer ends up eventually with a high cancellation rate and/or poor ratings, their account is suspended by Fiverr. Sure, they can use another IP and start over, but it’s better than nothing for perpetual problem buyers.

I also proposed a system where a great buyer (great ratings, low cancellation rate) gets incentives. A level system where a 0 level buyer gets a 5% processing fee (for example) and a level 1 gets a 2.5 or 3% processing fee, and perhaps at level 2 the fee becomes 1% or preferably 0. Buyers then at least have a say in their own fees (which helps sellers and Fiverr too) and have an incentive to play nice. For an example that isn’t a perfect line-up but exists, an Amazon Prime buyer can choose not to get the free 2 day shipping by taking the incentive of a credit toward a free digital item. What do you or others think, seriously? Debate? Improve on the idea?

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This is a great suggestion. Other platforms already show if Buyer has a verified payment, cancellation ratio , rating and feedback.

This is really something that Fiverr admins should look into and it can be done with a small tweak in the code (well… not little but, useful)

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  • 1 year later...

I´ve been reading this post and all comments and i think it´s full of great ideas, unfortunately it´s really a shame things haven´t change at all. It´s been over a year and fiverr has done nothing to protect sellers from this kind of sick buyers. I recently have a horrible experience and i even ended up losing my badge.

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