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Selling stops after vacation mode


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The gigs in Fiverr’s search rotate regularly based upon factors we will never truly know. It is just the normal functioning of the Fiverr site. I do recommend, though, that you never rely upon only the Fiverr search for your traffic or sales. Take the initiative and promote your gigs on your own, that way, if you do fall from the top of the search results, you aren’t losing all of your traffic.

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It happens, but chances are your orders will begin coming back soon. Jonbaas is correct, Fiverr rotates gigs all the time.

If you search book titles, this is the first result you’ll see on the left corner, under recommended


He’s a level 1, has only 2 positive reviews, a 17% cancellation ratio (shocking), yet he’s beating me, and I have 47 positive reviews. So as you can see, it’s all arbitrary.

Like Google Adsense, sometimes a click is worth $0.08, sometimes it’s worth, $3, $1.5, $5, you never know.

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  • 2 weeks later...

When you put your Gigs on vacation mode, you’re taking that chance of coming back to slow or lack of orders. This happens because you’re away - your Gigs get suspended which will result in a lack or slow to come orders.

Some helpful tips: Update your profile prior to vacation mode to let your buyers know they can requested notification on your Gigs to receive an email message stating when you’ve returned. Plus, state the exact day when you’re playing to return - your repeat buyers will take note of this and your orders will come back in sooner. Also, be sure to promote your Gigs when you’re back from vacation mode!

Best of luck to you. 🙂

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