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Details about the star rating given by a buyer


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Hi all - I’m new to Fiverr - I’ve had 3 sales: 2 with 5 star ratings, and one with 4.5 ‘satisfactory’. He/she left no other feedback. Is there a way to see how the buyer rated each category rather than just the average? I’d like to keep up my good rating but don’t know what brought the score down, so I don’t know what to improve. (As far as I know, I did everything right - quality item, fast response, no hassles, etc.)

I have contacted the buyer to request more details, but haven’t heard back.


Reply to @kjblynx: Yeah, with only the 3 reviews I could kind of figure that out. But with (hopefully) lots more on the way, I was hoping I could check individual reviews. I guess not. Boy that sure would be helpful!

Thanks for your reply.


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