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How to find good gigs

Guest ilovecustomers

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Guest ilovecustomers

1: go to fiverr

2: on search type in video editing

3: you will se results

good luck hope it helped


I agree with your idea of sending sellers a message prior to making a purchase, but where I disagree is when you said “If they don’t respond quick they will deliver your work late or maybe do rubbish work”.

Not true. As a Top Rated Seller I get many messages per day, sometimes upwards of 20 or 30. There is NO way I can ‘quickly’ answer all of these messages every day. You see, some of the time must be devoted to actually working on orders I already have.

Just my two cents…


Ditto to what gingerwriter said. I receive requests with multiple file attachments I must consider and breakdown. This takes time, sometimes up to an hour. If I receive anywhere upwards of 3 messages and I’m completing an order I won’t have time to reply right away. I have yet to deliver a database late, my orders are my first priority, and I don’t deliver rubbish.


I agree with some of this. I agree that contacting first is very good, and I agree that saving inbox conversations is quite helpful for both buyer and seller. I think that fast responses can be helpful to a buyer in a hurry, but not that a slower response means the seller will always be bad.

One part of your post is confusing. Are you saying that if a seller doesn’t offer 24 hour delivery that seller is not good?

adding note in edit: original post was heavily edited by poster making most comments seem random.


Reply to @fonthaunt: Are you saying that if a seller doesn’t offer 24 hour delivery that seller is not good? .

this depends on the sellers delivery time. if he cant delivery within his time then yes its bad.

trust me i know 90% of sellers here do a quick one if i say i know i just mean that.

replies to about , seller not responding, ok i most of the legit sellers maybe busy but other half will ripp you off do a quick dirty job and run away , 95% sellers here failed to answer all my questions they ended up not replying at all

am not saying everybody is like this the main reason for this topic is for everybody to use this method on all sellers because they are crafty.


Reply to @kjblynx:

erm let me say to all guys , the reason i said if a seller don’t respond he aint worth hiring its because it just shows how reliable the seller can be to you.

i understand you are in middle of finishing off a gig and you also got 10 gigs in que and 10 messages awaiting for reply , it can be hard for all sellers but when it comes to customer service , who comes first ???

ask this to your self all

example yeh

fiverr has 10 logo gigs , you have 10 message in inbox and a new customer just sent you message , what will happen if you don’t respond fast ? fill in the blanks.


Reply to @kjblynx: 1: can he deliver what you want within 24/hours

24/hours can depend on the seller what he puts maybe he has 3 days or 5 days or 1 day or 24/hours , just ask them if they can delivery it quicker then that time , most customers want’s there job done quick this is how it is ,nobody likes to wait around they might aswell just find someone else that responds quick and keeps constant communication this is what i do to xD

anyways i cannot type no more sorry bye.


Reply to @ilovecustomers:

I agree that waiting around isn’t everyone’s favorite thing to do, but keep this in mind:

You are telling buyers to avoid sellers who don’t respond quickly, delivery quickly, and so forth because these sellers are ‘crafty’…However, sellers who offer quality work generally take longer to complete it. You really can’t have it both ways…


Yes, buyers should contact sellers prior to making a purchase. Not to test a seller’s response time but rather to ensure the buyers desires are well understood by the seller and that the seller is in fact able to complete such a task.

Yes, save all your correspondence that relates to current orders. This is for the safety of sellers and buyers.

No, don’t expect immediate responses. Sellers have an average response time on their gigs, expect to wait at least that long. If it’s been at least 24 hours since you sent your first message, then send another message as a friendly follow up. If you don’t receive a message within 24 hours of your second message, then likely the seller isn’t available and you should move on. This gives the seller 2 full days to respond, that is a fair time line for most busy and active sellers.

No, don’t expect a basic delivery in 24 hours. After placing your order, expect to wait for as long as the seller has stated on their gig for delivery. Mine is 6 days, if I can get it done sooner I will but buyers have no right to expect earlier deliveries unless they purchase an express delivery extra.

Before “asking him many questions”, be sure you have read the sellers gig description in its entirety, often the answers are already provided.

Don’t be the type of person who purchases a gig from a seller who offers X and then when you receive X, decide you want Y and go crying to customer support. The Fiverr support is busy enough without having to address complaints from a buyer that had unrealistic and unfair expectations.

There is no standard set up for rules for dealing with sellers. We are each different. The best advice for buyers is to THOROUGHLY review the sellers gig description and base their orders and expectations on what the seller has specifically stated they will do. If after reading every word of the gig page, the buyer still has questions, then message the seller and ask. Be sure you and the seller are clear on what you expect and what they actually do before placing an order.

If you decide to take advice on the forums, make sure it’s coming from those who have the experience and ratings to back up their words. Basically, follow the people who have achieved what you hope to also achieve on the future.


Reply to @ilovecustomers: “anyways i cannot type no more sorry bye” sounds like a cop out because you are realizing that you gave foolish advice and don’t know how to defend your words against the real professionals that are calling you out.

My advice, learn how good business on Fiverr actually works before offering advice to anyone else. You obviously haven’t had enough experience to give quality advice to other buyers.


Reply to @missashley8705: dont be smart , i have other stuff to do , had 4 hours sleep , whats your problem , you can help me keep my head up ? go get me dinner go get me this and that then il stick around.

you se there is an issue between you lot and me now its because you are testing me out which is a wrong thing , you guys have little knowledge how to just sell , how to use this fiverr.com site

dont compare me with you ,am on top trust me.

better to keep your nose out ,look at all my comments i have nothing against anyone you just like a crying cat coming at my face trying to be smart a** go chat in other thread not here

also read properly before you throw your words at me xD funny girl

if u have to say some nice say so otherwise dont comment


Reply to @missashley8705: xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD ;)))))))))))))

you guys are getting so offensive because you think i am talking about you , dont forget about me to if this thread causes harm to good sellers then il rename it , i am a seller and my stomach isnt burning but yours is why , have gaviscon liquid ;))))))))))))))

these chit chats remind me of old yahoo chatroom days xDD

guys please chill out lets chat in a good manner ok sorry if i said anything forgive me.

check attachment image , highlight area what you have said missashley.

Please Please read mine and kblxixxxxxxxx conversation then you will understand thanks.


Reply to @ilovecustomers: I will say what I want. In the mean time, save up your gig money to purchase some lessons for beginner English.

If you weren’t so defensive, you may realize that just because the advice given on this thread isn’t positive, it’s honest and you need to hear it… Obviously.

Your response is incredibly childish but not surprising since low quality people = low quality behaviour.


Reply to @ilovecustomers: I read what kjblynx said and I agree with her. You still argued that buyers should ask for work sooner because they don’t want to wait (at least that’s the way it translates in English). That is incorrect. Buyers don’t have the right to rush sellers within the sellers pre-established time-line.


Reply to @missashley8705: hey i am a seller also so why so much headache , she understood me you have not its because you didnt read all the convo so please re read again slow then youl get the picture xD no offence am tired gona go sleep now gn bye


Reply to @kjblynx: That’s a pretty foolish thing to say. I wasn’t being catty on my first post here. The only “catty” response was in defense to this attack…

ilovecustomers: Reply to @missashley8705: dont be smart , i have other stuff to do , had 4 hours sleep , whats your problem , you can help me keep my head up ? go get me dinner go get me this and that then il stick around.

you se there is an issue between you lot and me now its because you are testing me out which is a wrong thing , you guys have little knowledge how to just sell , how to use this fiverr.com site

dont compare me with you ,am on top trust me.

better to keep your nose out ,look at all my comments i have nothing against anyone you just like a crying cat coming at my face trying to be smart a** go chat in other thread not here

also read properly before you throw your words at me xD funny girl

if u have to say some nice say so otherwise dont comment

To be honest kjblynx, you have been rude to me since I started on the forums even though I have never started anything with you. In fact, I have always tried to forgive and forget your little remarks because it’s not worth the hassle. I’m used to girls like you coming at me for no reason but seriously it’s so ridiculous. You talk down to everyone. I’m constantly seeing threads where you have insulted someone who hasn’t insulted you. I, on the other hand, only give back what I get. Moral of the story, unless someone says something incredibly rude (like this guy) I don’t act catty. Perhaps you should do the same.


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