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Twitter has smartened up to fake followers


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I have tried to use 10 or gigs on here in the last few weeks, and each gig owner shuts it down the minute you place the order and does a runner or opens it in another gig.

However has now smartened up to the fake follower practice so good luck getting fake followers!

As every single follower we got from the one reputable seller on this site is now gone (and so is his gig)

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I’ve noticed the same. I’m not opposed to the whole fake follower thing but I think it’s gotten way out of hand. I prefer to boost followers with exchanges. It’s the same quality of follower but since it’s actual people participating in the exchanges it happens a bit more naturally.

Well let’s see what folks have to offer when the bots fail. 😛

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You can also check the profile then decide to add or not. Just you have to do one thing turn your security on which result every follower will not follow you immediately, his/her following request is pending till you will not sure that the twitter profile is fake or not.

Thank you

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