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Getting you're rating back to the top?


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I have been away from fiverr for some times, and just got people ordering, and then cancelling because i wasn’t answering.

Now my rating gone from 100% to 97%, it doesn’t sound that bad, but i think on fiverr it is.

There is so much competition, that the buyer will choose the 100% one in the most of case.

I’ve got a pretty good rating for the work i deliver, 100% i think, so i think it’s not really fair, i was just away, i didn’t reap people or scam anything

So now i’m getting way less order, i would like some information about on the ranking formula, how does it work, what’s the “math thing” ? i just want to get back to 100%

Right now, i’m making buyer order a job in different order, so i $25 job would be 5 order of $5, then i get more order and more rating, it may help to get back to 100%, if there is any others tip for that, i would like to know.

Thanks !


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