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Lofty goals


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I’ve been on Fiverr for quite some time but only recently have I started to ‘get serious’ about things. I’ve made a lot of changes to my gigs and profile etc. It seems to be having good effects.

I really want to be able to make Fiverr my full time income. It’s getting into the winter months and walking to jobs in Chicago winters is not fun. So in order to justify this as my ‘real’ job, I am aiming to make at least $300 by the end of the month. If I count the two weeks it takes my payments to clear that means I have until the end of this week. 😃

I love a challenge though. By my count that means I would have to sell 68 base level gigs. Of course the extras help and I think I’ve got them set up right. shrug

I won’t spam links or anything, if you want to check out my gigs and give me some input you can click on my name. Or if you want to suggest one of my awesome services to your groups/followers/etc by all means.

Lets see if I can make this happen.

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