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What Does the heart mean on my profile with the number next to it?


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The heart is specific to each gig. It’s the number of people who have added your gig to their collections. It doesn’t have any weighting, it’s just a feature and has nothing to do with sales. Sometimes I have people heart before they order as a bookmark and then remove it once they have, others use it just because they like to save gigs they find appealing in one place. Think of it as a ‘like’ button.

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Reply to @teerika: I know how you feel, in a way even the longest running sellers on here do because the structure of the site keeps changing and new features keep being added. When I first came to the forum all I did was ask what I knew would be seen as stupid questions… I didn’t see that there was a sort by date option in search. Hahaha! But that’s partly what the forum is for.

I’m happy you’re enjoying yourself here. There’s a lot to love, there’s also a lot to gripe on about, but if you’re like me you’ll hang in because the pros are still worth fighting through the cons.

Now to go browse gig and have a heart spree :x

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