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Lot of impressions and page views and a very little orders or none. Any advices guys?


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Hi guys…

I’ve put in a lot of effort to make my gigs more appealing to the buyers and I stay online 24X7 on the mobile app and apparently those stats. are quite impressive at least for me (of course other than the ‘orders’ column) coz i don’t really know how those stats are for the other sellers, but the orders are just dried up, and strangely i only get orders in the weekend, mostly on Friday :-/ and that’s kinda weird right? it happened 2 weeks strait and before that actually it was none.

Also i created my fiverr account two years ago, and back then i didn’t get this whole ‘fiverr thing’. I’m back with more energy and hope this time will work. But does it affect my sales? does the buyers back off when they see the whole 2 years old thing? like "Holy… this guy is so old. and he haven’t sold many for years 😦 , yaiks… ".

So guys, apologize for the long story, So do you have any suggestions for me? Any advises would be very helpful.



That numbers are pretty ok. I mean, you got 9 orders from 119 views and that is 7.5% conversion rate which is pretty good I think. Another gig is maybe not so good but I do not know, maybe people do not need that so much.

About numbers of orders and other things, there is something strange happning on fiverr in recent period so everyone complains about orders not coming any more like before.


@hannaasfour Yes, It’s it strange. But may be fiverr detects our activity on fiverr and takes up the gigs in the search result in that particular period. For a fact, i do stay active more on fiverr in weekend. Just may be 🙂


@m2webs yes, I had no idea about the conversion rates of other people. But i still cannot believe only 9 of 119 impressed by what they saw. i mean i made it pretty appealing 😛

may be now there are more sellers than buyers on fiverr, that might be why the orders are dried up 😃


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