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Why did I have to order 22 separate gigs and not the one multiple gig?


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I just ordered a gig and was quoted 22 gigs for the job. When I tried to order them as a single multiple gig, I could not. I had to order 22 separate gigs in the end.

Is this something the buyers are doing to increase their gig count, or is it an error on Fiverr’s side?

I must say that if I have to do that again then I will be saying goodbye to fiverr as it was a total waste of my time. I have better things to do then screw around with a shonky system.

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Well I must say that is counter-productive, although I can see the sense in not giving a new seller full trust. I can always get a refund if the seller is a scammer anyway can’t I?

All I can say is the way things are that I will be using this site as little as possible, while looking for better alternatives.

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Reply to @dexcode: When I first joined, a buyer wanted a job worth 6 gigs from me, and he ordered it in two parts - 3 gigs in advance, and 3 gigs when I had completed the job. So you can always discuss with your sellers and see how they can make the process more convenient for you.

The system doesn’t really make any sense and I don’t see why and how long Fiverr is going to keep things this way - but those 6 orders helped me level up and become eligible to offer multiple orders, you know. The restriction is only in place until a seller sells their first 10 gigs.

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I’ve had the same problem, I tried to order multiple gigs, 20 in all. I’ve been approving and commenting for weeks and it seems as there’s something wrong with my account. This is taking way too much effort. If seller wasn’t so damned great I’d dump this site in a minute.

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