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Delivering Just To Stop The Clock for Non-Responsive Buyers... [ARCHIVED]


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… is it acceptable to do this?

Also, what kind of issues (if any) could arise as a result from doing this?

EXAMPLE: Buyer has submitted initial information that has started the clock. I either need more information before starting OR I have started but need their approval on the work before I actually complete the work…

In my case it is the second scenario and I do not want to complete the work until I get their approval as I may not be able to go back and change/edit/redo if they have any issues with it

… and the buyer is not responding and my deadline is almost up!

What would you suggest I do in this situation if not deliver to stop the clock? It’s a good solution to me, but I am afraid of potential issues it may cause. I really do NOT want to do a mutual cancellation! I have had way too many of those already!

Sheriff’s Note: 6/2015 - Due to the age of this thread, not all of the information within is still useful. Take care before applying these ideas without read the ToS to make sure any methods you want to try do not violate the current one. There have been quite a few changes to Fiverr since 2013. 🙂

Guest paperportrait

Change description with details


Reply to @oldbittygrandma: This is the message I am planning on sending when I deliver to stop the clock:

"Since you have not replied to me, I am going to deliver just to stop the clock so it doesn’t run late.

I still have not submitted your review as I would really like your approval first, in case I am unable to edit it once submitted. I want to make sure it’s exactly what you want.

Please contact me as soon as possible so that we can get this officially completed!

Thanks! :-)"

Is this ok? Or do I need to add/change something? I just don’t want them to get mad or anything.


Reply to @oldbittygrandma: Well I feel it’s my only option, as I really don’t want to cancel because I have canceled way to many already in a short period of time. 😦

Did you take a look at the message I was thinking of sending to the buyer? Could you help me with that? I want to make sure it’s clear that I am only delivering to stop the clock and I have full intentions of completing his order once he contacts me back with approval to proceed. I don’t know if my message would be clear enough or if I should reword it.


It depends. If I have worked with the buyer before and I know they won’t cancel then I leave the gig open. I still have gigs that are very late from september last year because I am still working on them. If I don’t know them then it is time to stop the clock.


My best seller’s are express gigs, I actually deliver them right away after I finish designing. Its safer that way, also I have clearly stated in the requirements that they must specify what they want to look like, what they need, etc2.


I always deliver the project once I’ve finished. If the buyer isn’t happy with the finished order due to an error that I’ve made, I offer to make the changes and deliver through the messaging system. I’ve not had a buyer cancel after receiving the project yet. touch wood that I won’t in the future.


I always deliver the project once I’ve finished. If the buyer isn’t happy with the finished order due to an error that I’ve made, I offer to make the changes and deliver through the messaging system. I’ve not had a buyer cancel after receiving the project yet. touch wood that I won’t in the future.


I always deliver the project once I’ve finished. If the buyer isn’t happy with the finished order due to an error that I’ve made, I offer to make the changes and deliver through the messaging system. I’ve not had a buyer cancel after receiving the project yet. touch wood that I won’t in the future.


I always deliver the project once I’ve finished. If the buyer isn’t happy with the finished order due to an error that I’ve made, I offer to make the changes and deliver through the messaging system. I’ve not had a buyer cancel after receiving the project yet. touch wood that I won’t in the future.


I always deliver the project once I’ve finished. If the buyer isn’t happy with the finished order due to an error that I’ve made, I offer to make the changes and deliver through the messaging system. I’ve not had a buyer cancel after receiving the project yet. touch wood that I won’t in the future.


Heya im out at the moment on ma phone , lets just say you cannot reason with a difficult buyer. Some people you cant reason with. To be honest with you nothing much was going on with the difficult buyer. I explained my gig to him entirely along with that , all the gig extras + my instructions. He replies with his website url and says in one sentence get it done.

I wrote him a essay basically. The kindest I can be. Will update you guys later with full om descriptions. Basically the difficult buyer ignored instructions. There is not much more than a sentence from him. Longest paragraph was written in my negative review. Still irked.

oldbittygrandma said: You have to read your buyer correctly.


How does one read the buyer correctly if they are not communicating with you?


I have been in a situation where I have sent a seller all the information for a gig I wanted and the seller "Stopped the clock" before now, felt a bit like the rug was being pulled from under me. But's that my opinion, there always a risk involved with doing something the buyer many not fully understand, these days it's so easy to reach for the thumbs down button, a buyer doesn't necessarily care about the sellers rep in any case <- My opinion :)


I’m just teasing with you I know what Digital Body Language is, but it’s intrinsically difficult to take into account the responsiveness of anybody online It’s mega important to realise that buyers may take the message totally the wrong way you intended it to be and this miscommunication doesn’t happen via text on a web page such as your note, it could be the nicest note ever written with a gazillion “I love you’s” miscommunication is a mental processes. It’s called “egocentrism” and it’s that inability to take someone else’s perspective other than your own, and it’s something that occurs quite a lot on the web, we all know this.

Their was once an expriment conducted on the rational side of egocentrism in a social comparison or how you’d put it “Digital Body language” back in '05 and it was said that when people try to imagine the point of view, thoughts or general feelings of someone, evidence suggests that they use their own values as a reference point to how they interpret it, commonly know as a misconception.

Which means in layman’s terms they take your context the way in which they interpret their values, so if you have a negative buyer who does not tollerate inadequacies despite themselves maybe having a few your message may be a kick in the nuts to them and a negative ensues.

I’d just not “Stop the clock” you then work within a defined framework of the rules such as mutual cancellations or admin cancellations if they have gone beyond the point of no return. As long as you demonstrate that you have done all you can by asking the buyer to get in touch what else can you do?!



wow alot has happened. I owe some serious long replies to @ozzieuk + @oldbittygrandma and a private message from madmoo.

You guys are great, and its a promise that i will reply in full about the situation. I was out earlier.

Countless of hours, I spent perfecting my communication skills, upkeep and everything else that was related to customer service. I have tons of happy customers.

I hope it all works out which I am sure it will. Staying positive here.

  • 6 months later...

NOW with the new fiverr 2, there is a new wrinkle to consider with stopping the clock.

When you deliver the order it stops the clock.

If you deliver the order again it CONTINUES the clock until that time.

Same thing with future deliveries which means even though the order was delivered on time before the deadline the FIRST time it can be LATE by delivering it AGAIN after the deadline.

Once I figured this out through support I simply NEVER deliver them again and just use messages to further deliver anything in the order and if necessary go to the messaging system if it has been marked complete.

OT of this thread but worth noting: if you have an image you want to go to the live portfolio in your delivery ANY image that is included subsequently whether delivered or by message CANCELS your portfolio image in you first delivery and NOTHING will go to the portfolio for that order. (unless they have fixed it)




Sheriff’s Note: 6/2015 - Due to the age of this thread, not all of the information within is still useful. Take care before applying these ideas without read the ToS to make sure any methods you want to try do not violate the current one. There have been quite a few changes to Fiverr since 2013. 🙂



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