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How to calculate Star Rating


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Dear Friends!

I want to ask you that how to calculate star Rating. I have 130 positive feedback. 1 of them is 2.5 star and 2 are 4.5. Others are 5 stars. I have 100 % rating but my star rating is 4.9. I want to know how much positive feedbacks will help me to get 5 stars and how to calculate star rating

Thank you in advance

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First off, you have to post in the correct forum. This is a question, not a bug, which explains why nobody has responded to you yet. Here’s a knowledgebase article:http://support.fiverr.com/hc/en-us/articles/201504276-Rating-your-Order

Keep up the good work and the ratings will go up, be patient.


Fiverr Customer Support


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