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Fiverr has gone downhill


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Fiverr has gone downhill. I have not gotten a gig in 3 months. I can not contact people in my inbox. People are not contacting me. I am very disappointed with Fiverr. It used to be really good now it isn’t. What happened to this system? I’m am really pissed. Call me at fragglesrock and tell me why this system has gotten so bad. I think it is that you want to control everything and you have pissed off many people like my clients because of this. I want to know why everything turned to so bad. I think you tried to over improve. Now all you have now is a system that doesn’t listen to its clients and a lot of angry clients. I am willing to work with you to fix these problems. You have to become less like dictators and more supportive of your clients. Get it together people. You have a good thing here and you are blowing it.

Sheriff’s Note: Please don’t post your contact information, it’s against Fiverr’s TOS.

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