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My ID fails to verify and my gigs that I had for over 10 years have been stopped
Question: Hello, I'm SEO pbn Master working on Fiverr as on page seo and off page seo expert My level was 1 in Fiverr and success score was 8 but some days ago I gave got a notification from Fiverr that my level 1 is at risk and also my success score dropped to 0
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Hi. I have a question that I am posting here because Fiverr Customer Support has been so slow in helping me out and I feel I am talking to a wall and I don't know what to do.
Edited by ahmedshaltout3 days ago I got the notification that we need to verify our ids that everyoen clearly got.
Being the professional that I am, I applied to it instantly. I thought it will be a piece of cake considering I already did this in other services liek Payoneer and Upwork and it has worked flawlessly.
I follow the instructions and put my information carefully.
I then get redirected to a link to continue verification on my phone since it needs access to a camera to photograph my ID
I photograph the front and back of the ID as suggested. It says the ID does not match my information and requests I try again.
I find that the app has changed my name to Arabic as a suggestion. The instructions, though, say the name has to be in English.
I assume the app did this for a reason and go with it.
It fails two more times, says failed to Verify and halts my seller account.
I reach out to customer support request an alternative way to verify because there is clearly a bug
After 3 days of being ignored, the thing they do for me is re open the verification link for me to try again
I tried again. first attempt failed again and changed my name to arabic, but i realized that it put my 2 middle names AND last name in the last name slot.
I leave it as is assuming the Ai did this on purpose and didn't want to mess with it, and it fails again.
I have one attempt left and I am thinking maybe I need to remove the 2 arabic middle names and just leave an arabic first and arabic last name without middle names, but then it would defy the English only rule.
I am afraid to experiment and i don't try a 3rd time fearing the verification option closes up again like before
I send a detailed update in my ticket with all this info, a suggestion for an alternate verification method in case there is a bug that makes it not work specifically with Egyptian IDs, and a request to please reactivate my seller account till this is solved
We start the process of being ignored all over again in my ticket.
I don't know what to do. Fiverr isn't just a website I use for fun. It is my primary job. I have bills to pay and am now not exposed to new clients.
The situation is too urgent and I feel I was punished for responding to the verification notification instantly.
I have no outlet to express myself or ask for help because twitter just replies with unhelpful cookie cutter scripted replies and the support ticket is slow as snails.
I decide to express myself here in case magically someone can help me.
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