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You can check the gig video guidelines here: https://help.fiverr.com/hc/en-us/articles/360010451657-Adding-a-video-to-your-Gig

It just says "Use "landscape" mode. 1920x1080 uses 1.78:1, which is a landscape mode so it should be okay.

It might crop the thumbnail for it a bit though (so if you use that then I wouldn't put any text you want in the video thumbnail too close to the edges). You could check. But 1.78:1 is the most standard landscape format. It will still put the images in about the same small icon that the gig images go I think and they get shown about 1.6:1. Though I'd keep the video at 1.78:1 because it's the standard landscape format.

Fiverr gig info videos won't show any higher than 1280x720 though as far as I know. So even though it will accept an upload of 1920x1080 it will convert it to 1280x720. You could test whether it keeps it higher quality though. But it might give you less duration if encoding at 1080p (eg. the minimum recommended bitrate is higher for 1080p than 720p but Fiverr only allows up to 50 MB (or < 50 MB if the help page is right) for the file size. But that might not matter (eg. if you encode it at a lower bitrate since it's going to get converted to 720p anyway). It might be better to encode at 1280x720 (so it won't downscale it and you'd see more exactly how it will look - though it still might recompress it to a lower bitrate and/or lower frame rate - if you gave it a high frame rate).

Edited by uk1000
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