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I found the Statement of earnings, of a given year and downloaded a statement which is somehow summarizing my yearly earnings... the numbers just not fit at all, no details, nothing somehow close to a sufficient tax statement. On top, its not in my currency.

The amounts I find in my bank account do not sum up to the provided number here... its not consistent nor transparent.

How is everyone declaring? Any tips?

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I download and provide the Excel sheet of entire year's transactions on Fiverr [order details, earnings (after commission), expenses (ads and seller plus)] along with bank statements to my chartered account. 

They match my receipts in my bank account with Fiverr's excel sheet and then file my tax returns. 

For Indian sellers, Fiverr also provides a government-mandated tax compliance document. Fiverr deducts 0.1% of my earnings as tax at source(it used to be 1% till Oct'24) and they mail a quarterly tax deduction and submission document to all the sellers. 


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