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Order completed automatically by fiverr and buyer didnt accept or give any feedback. Does client still have option to cancel this order after payment being clear?



Hello everyone,

Hope you are all doing great. I read several help topic or blog and even search to understood the policy about order conclution process. I dont why its not clear by fiverr. Because the scenario is very common and it can be easily covered by them. they have some like order resolution process or dispute process. but its 1 or 2 use case but after long time in mature state how they dont think about others use case. Okay let me explain my use case and I hope it will be helpful for others as well. So if anyone have clear picture of it please explain.

use case 1: milestore order.

1. order has 3 milestone and 1st one price is 500 2nd is 200 and 3rd is 100.

2. Seller complete 2 milestones successfully and payment been clear mean money transfer to seller account.

3. Buyer accept the milestone but not given any review when accepting the delivery and on final milestone he claim none of the previous milestone delivery is correct or not up to the mark and claim refunds.

4.  What will be possible happned and whats logic behind it or rules fiverr follow on that time.

use case 2: sigle payment order.

1. Seller complete the delivery and send for accept the delivery by buyer.

2. Buyer not accpeted or give review and order completed automatically after the period.

3.  Payment is clear and another offer is accpeted by the buyer from same seller.

Question: Does buyer can claim refund of previous order? does that possible by a buyer? and what about the fiverr policy on this case?


If anyone know really exacty what happened in this case or if you face similar case and share your experience, it will be really great.

Thank you for your time and reading my post and your valuable thoughts.

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