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Wishing the Animation & Motion Design Forum Was More Active


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Hey everyone!

I’ve been browsing the Fiverr forums for a while now, seeking something new and I see especially the animation section since that’s my field (motion design and animation). I couldn’t help but notice that this part of the forum has been pretty quiet lately.
Some of the last active threads are from months ago, and in some cases, even years!

It’s surprising considering how many talented animators and motion designers are offering their services on Fiverr and sometimes I see a lot of complaints even regarding too saturated market...

It feels like there’s a missed opportunity for us to share ideas, tips, and maybe even some advice on best practices.

I’d love to see this space come alive again! Does anyone else feel the same way?

I mean, if it is not active, there must be a reason. What do you think it wasn't very attractive for Motion designers and animators? 
Let's get some use to the damn forum! I'm tired of these "Congrats" "Very useful information" bs that are made by some especial people from some especial countries...! 

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