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Was doing well in 2023 and in 2024 basically not a single order



Hi guys,

I am writing to see if anyone has had a similar experience to me.

Last year in 2023 I was doing well. I was getting regular inquiries, briefs were being emailed to me that I could respond to and win jobs.

The minute 2024 came around all email briefs stopped and inquiries also reduced significantly to barely nothing. It was like Fiverr blocked my account from showing up in the search results and stopped the email briefs.

I didn't change anything on my Gig page either. And it has been like that ever since the beginning of the year.

I have all 5-star reviews, nearly 40 of them.

I contacted Fiverr support about this twice and they said there is nothing wrong with my account and people aren't posting briefs that relate to my service and that is why I am not getting briefs.

I don't believe that people aren't posting any briefs that relate to my service, that is total rubbish. I have now tried changing my keywords etc to see if it will make a difference, but there is no change.

I am disappointed and upset by it as now I have lost my seller rating and I am back to where I started after working so hard.

Has this happened to anyone else?

Thanks in advance.

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