As a new seller on Fiverr, I’ve heard mixed advice about how to secure the first few orders. Some people suggest that new sellers buy fake reviews or use "kickstarter" services to build initial credibility. However, I’d like to know if it’s actually necessary to go down this route, or if it’s possible to get genuine orders and build a solid reputation without using these methods.
For those who started without buying reviews, what strategies did you use to get your first order? Any tips or guidance would be greatly appreciated!
As a new seller on Fiverr, I’ve heard mixed advice about how to secure the first few orders. Some people suggest that new sellers buy fake reviews or use "kickstarter" services to build initial credibility. However, I’d like to know if it’s actually necessary to go down this route, or if it’s possible to get genuine orders and build a solid reputation without using these methods.
For those who started without buying reviews, what strategies did you use to get your first order? Any tips or guidance would be greatly appreciated!
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