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Suggestion: Allow buyers to easily cancel an extra (if ordered by mistake) and make revision process clearer for buyers

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Sometimes a buyer orders an extra (eg. the "Additional revision" option, that's a standard Fiverr extra), when they didn't mean to order it (eg. they didn't know how to use the free revisions that were included in the offer/order). There should be a proper way for them to cancel that mistakenly added/unneeded extra, including for lower priced gigs (eg. the partial refund option is only for gigs "above $50" (unsure if they mean >= 50) so it can't be used for those below it.

If mentioned to the buyer for their info (about the free option), them going to support or following instructions of support and messaging/creating a new order/having support cancel the original, to try to get the buyer refunded that amount added can be difficult and time consuming. A simple cancel option that the buyer can use to cancel the ordered extra could save a lot of time and make things a lot simpler for the buyer and seller. While they could also be offered a reduction on a future orders, there might be a case where weren't intending to make a future order.

Fiverr could also explain more on the site for the buyer about how to order a revision on their order. I don't think there's proper instructions in the help section for the buyer on how to order a revision on the browser version but there is for the mobile app. The bottom of the order page could make it clear how to order a revision if needed. The "additional revision" extra could also have a help section added to it by Fiverr to explain more info about revisions (eg. that free ones can be included with a gig package/custom offer).

Edited by uk1000
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