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Any advices on dealing with low price sellers here?

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I wouldn't lie, sellers from most of Asian countries work for the low prices, while I (and sellers from European countries) can do nothing for 30$ before fees here after spending my whole day or two days, they are happy with it. The buyers that worked with me have never regret the amount that they paid me, which still keep coming when they need help. But still, most of buyers run to Asian sellers and they are happy with low quality work.

I have got a lot of orders from buyers who contacted me after failing with working with them, and I saw how most of them literally don't take their work seriously (or may be I am too picky and strict in my work).  So as I understand, the market always will be working in their favor unless Fiverr fairly takes on price regulation. I see the only solution in lowering my gig prices at least to get some orders sometimes . I have been here for 6 years just with one negative review and I got eaten because of these kind of reasons. Any advice? 

Note: There is no hate in this topic at all. I am just trying to be clear as possible. 

Edited by anaraliyev
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