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Hello, I received an order for a $25 gig. However, within the order, I was sent an Excel file. When I scanned this Excel file on VirusTotal, I detected that it contains a Trojan. This means the person who placed the order is trying to compromise accounts and computers by sending members a Trojan-infected Excel file.

The Trojan-infected Excel file that was sent to me is in this gig:

 I wanted to report this situation, I opened a ticket, but no one is interested. I guess it must be normal for customers to send trojans to members within the site.

Best regards.


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1 answer to this question

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Hello @scriptingcoder 

We apologize for the delayed response. The only reason for that is the fact that we are experiencing an unusually high volume of inquiries. However, please know that your ticket is open and is currently being handled by our Customer Support. They will reach out to you soon, so please be patient. 

We appreciate your understanding and patience. 

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