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Low Impressions after Improved CTR.


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Hello Fiverr Community, 

I hope you all are doing great. I created  my 4 gigs in RESUME/CV/LINKEDIN niche a months ago as a new seller still no order. I was getting 20 impressions daily and I updated my gigs after 1-2 days to improve them then my impressions increased to 80-100 daily but my ctr was very low that is less than 1%. From last 2-3 days I improved my gig images and video thumbnail, and my ctr is now above 7% and sometimes reach 10%. But now the Fiverr has reduced impressions on my gigs. Why is that? I was also looking for gig promoters on fiverr to promote my gigs but with one seller I told him I will come back to promote from you and asked him questions if he can improve but I don't know whybhe blocked me for 2 months. Is that the reason he blocked me and my Fiverr account impressions decresed? Any experienced seller who can help answer my question? 

Thank you all for watching my post


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3 minutes ago, zohaib_032 said:

I was also looking for gig promoters on fiverr to promote my gigs but with one seller I told him I will come back to promote from you and asked him questions if he can improve but I don't know whybhe blocked me for 2 months.

What is this??

Are there sellers who sell gigs on Fiverr which promote gigs of OTHER sellers??🤔

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You explained your issue in very long and boring way!

You mixed up several cases, asking sellers to promote gig does not seem logical!

You will be able to promote your gigs once you reach Level 1, there is no other way to promote, and it is all fake if someone is telling you that they will promote your gig.

I have 5k impressions on average level but rarely receive order, 1 order per 2 days (avg), I can't say why these 5000 people didn't place me orders since many of these can be fake users looking for scam.

Wait! Be patient! Don't ask anyone to promote your gig! It is how we all work here!

Here, we are not standing with a tree of money and collecting.

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Hey friends, 

You guys misunderstand me. I didn't ask any sellers for any fake order neither a real one. There are gigs on fiverr which say i will promote your gigs on social media and have got about hundreds of review you can search. I was asking them if they could promote my gigs on social media. Now the real issue that why the impressions decreased?


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1 hour ago, zohaib_032 said:

From last 2-3 days I improved my gig images and video thumbnail, and my ctr is now above 7% and sometimes reach 10%. But now the Fiverr has reduced impressions on my gigs. Why is that?

When you edit a gig Fiverr can temporarily remove it from the search index while it goes into moderation to check it. That can make impressions go 0 while it's not in the search index.

Also new gig probably have a boost in the search index and also show in the "newest arrivals" sort. When it's no longer getting that boost or doesn't show (or shows in a later page that less people might see) then impressions might drop.

Also if you promoted your gig elsewhere it wouldn't directly affect your impressions on the Fiverr site as impressions on Fiverr are when your gig gets shown in the results on Fiverr. Though if you got an order through promoting it elsewhere that could help indirectly (eg. if you keep getting orders then Fiver might show you in higher positions which would probably lead to higher impressions).

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1 hour ago, priyank_mod said:

Are there sellers who sell gigs on Fiverr which promote gigs of OTHER sellers??🤔

Yes. I have seen some sellers selling these type of gigs. If you search "promote fiverr gigs" or "promote my fiverr gigs" on Fiverr's search bar (via buying mode) then you will see the list of sellers offering this services which is kind of weird but it's the truth. :classic_mellow:

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