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Which one should I keep as the main image for my gig?


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I'm not an artist, so speaking strictly as a buyer - I'm not sure either resonates with me?

Or well, they look OK (if a bit similar to many other pictures), but they don't feel relevant to ads somehow. For example, a picture of a random product (shoes in this case) doesn't really scream 'social media ads' to me, at least. 

I think when it comes to Canva stuff, you already have to be quite careful (since anyone can use the templates for their ads, so your work has to be MUCH better than the basic stuff you can get there for free) so I personally would rethink this a bit! But purely when it comes the aesthetics, I do think the second one looks better, too. 

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Neither in my opinion.

Take a look at the text in your footer. They will not be legible in actual search results since the image container is roughly 260x143 px.

You can probably move the footer elements into a new slide.

I suggest taking a look at how YouTubers create their thumbnails. YouTube and Fiverr thumbnails are shown at a pretty similar size (5 column design).

Good luck!

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