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Hello fellow Fiverr users, I hope everyone is doing great and well? 

My seller success score is gradually decreasing and i don't what could be the reason and how i can work on increasing the success score as my current level is at stake if it decrease beyond the requirement. PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!!

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No one seems to really know, unfortunately. Fiverr provides some general, sometimes obscure information but nothing actionable within a given amount of time. I might've missed it, but I haven't seen someone come of the forum and say something like "I had this problem, did this, and it helped in this way" sort of a thing.

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If you've clicked on the success score on the levels/Level overview section, it should show you your gigs and some gigs might show scores there. Clicking on a gig there might show key areas affecting the score. Some don't though. If your gigs don't show scores it might be because there haven't been enough orders on them or enough orders recently.

Edited by uk1000
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